GASPED aims to be a sustainable charity by providing practical help, information and support to parents, partners, families, and carers for people with mental health problems, male victims of domestic and sexual abuse, and to challenge poverty and deprivation by:

  • Delivering a whole family approach which is outcome focussed.
  • Facilitating and supporting the development of carers, parent and family support groups within Yorkshire and developing effective information sharing networks between those groups.
  • Developing and providing programmes of training and education in order to raise awareness of the impact of mental health and domestic abuse within communities.
  • Consulting and researching BAME groups with the aim of continuous improvement of engagement and support.
  • Providing therapies, counselling, advice, information, 1-2-1 support, group support, workshops and advocacy available in our Resource Centres, and within communities unable to access the centre.
  • Contribute towards building individual and community resilience.
  • Contribute towards the relief of poverty in the community.
  • Partnership working with local organisations.


To contribute to empower people enabling them out of the crisis they face, including challenging the issues caused poverty. Focus our work in the most deprived areas as defined by the Index of Multiple Deprivation.

GASPED focuses on supporting people in emotional distress, and their families, with practical support and counselling services by:

  • Raising awareness about addictive behaviours, suicide, mental health, suicide ideation, male domestic and sexual abuse.
  • Providing non-judgemental supportive services including training, 1-2-1 support, group support, counselling, developing co-produced initiative aimed to support and empower local people. guided by those with lived experience to help people grow in confidence and rise to the challenges they face.


GASPED provide a non-judgemental services treating everyone with respect and dignity.

GASPED strongly believe in “Equity” which in our understanding does not mean treating everyone the same but does mean enabling people to have the same opportunities.